Enabling growth for Aged Care providers

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At this year’s Epicor ANZ Aged Care Virtual Summit attended by the Biscit team, there was a renewed focus on increasing productivity, streamlining processes and enabling growth for Aged Care providers in the time of COVID and beyond using the Epicor Senior Living Solution (SLS) system. The Summit also touched on the challenges this industry is facing and required to adapt to at a rapid pace such as:

  • Shortage of experienced care workers if staff forced to self-isolate
  • Potential reduced occupancy in facilities in the short term as some clients would prefer to age at home during COVID conditions
  • Higher cost of operations – cost of PPEs, process for social distancing and staffing
  • Maintenance of IT infrastructure and systems a big load at a time all resources concentrated in providing best care
  • Increased mortality risk in case of infections for their clients
  • Client’s family visits stopped or restricted
  • Working remotely.

During the Summit, Epicor predicted 4 trends they believe will shake up the sector in the coming decades:

Aged Care Trend #1: Demand for aged care beds and staff will grow over the long term

Aged Care Trend #2: We will pay more for residential accommodation while home care and independent living gain more popularity

Aged Care Trend #3: Residents will demand greater lifestyle amenities – the rise of Home Care

Aged Care Trend #4: Technology will play a greater role in providing quality care.

While Epicor cannot solve all of the challenges presented by COVID-19, it is well placed to pave the way to increased efficiencies and automation. Currently managing over 50,000 residents across Australia, SLS provides:

  • Full-function, end-to-end ERP solution including marketing, administration, clients, procurement, operations and financials
  • An embedded system for managing resident and patient information
  • Advanced functionality for financial management and analysis
  • Specialised billing, funding, claiming and compliance
  • Integration with third-party clinical care and medication management solutions
  • Mobile access to Epicor SLS through web browsers and smart applications.

Recent updates to the system discussed at the Summit include improvements in:

  • CRM Room and Package availability, as well as general client administration
  • Respite bookings and waitlist management
  • The handling of couples in care and co-sharing records
  • Analysis of SLS fees and funding via a new EDD (Epicor Data Discovery) dashboard screen.

In addition to these improvements, the release of the new Epicor Community Care to the SLS offering in February this year also means meeting all privacy and legislative requirements for in-home and community care offerings are achieved, while providing a simple-to-use, mobile-ready way for organisations to manage field staff, and for field staff to manage the actions they take. Access rostering and route optimisation tools to help save travel time and costs are included, as well as workbench and dashboards that provide easy oversight for managers and team leaders.

The Summit also explored Epicor Data Analytics (EDA) Financial Statements functionality and SLS content packs specifically designed for Aged Care. The inclusion of common industry metrics such costs at any level/bed day, occupancy rates and RAD/ACFI income, as well as easy-to-use drill downs and self-service data analysis.

Epicor Data Analytics (EDA) is:

  • A Cloud based solution
  • Customisable with interactive dashboards
  • Mobile – access your data anywhere, anytime
  • Built for non-technical users – easy navigation with powerful analytics underneath
  • Easy to add content from Epicor databases and other data sources, even Excel spreadsheets
  • Government compliant
  • Data center located in Australia.

EDA Financial Statements let you:

  • Move from summary level comparisons over any time period
  • Easy, flexible, ad-hoc analysis
  • Drill down to transaction level (without touching the ledger)
  • Give anyone permission to see their income, costs and profitability
  • Easily customize statements applicable to your business
  • Export to Excel with all calculations and hierarchies included.

Additional offerings such as DocStar will also prove useful when considering a “Digital Transformation” (The act of harmonising business processes with automation based technology). Digitisation can help to improve efficiency of process, consistency, and quality as well as improve and facilitate a better informational exchange, with Audit Trails & Security. AP (Accounts Payable) automation will be useful for any businesses with a higher volume of invoices or processes where any paperwork with reasonably consistent formats is currently being manually handled.

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