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Industry Insights Report 2022

Epicor conducts an in depth survey examining the customer experience at every stage of the journey to the cloud.

The focus of the Epicor annual research is on the journey to cloud ERP and what businesses experience at every stage of technology adoption. From first contact with an ERP provider and evaluating a solution’s fit, to onboarding, go-live, and ongoing support.  With most businesses running on a hybrid of cloud and on-premises solutions, we wanted to understand their most important needs as they take on digital transformation.

The results reveal the most up-to-date picture of where cloud ERP adoption is today and where it needs to go tomorrow.

Who was surveyed in 2022

Every year, Epicor asks businesses around the world about the impact of technology on growth and the bottom line.  Below is the 2022 respondent profile:

In These Regions…

US    = 74%

UK    = 19%

ANZ = 7%

Across These Industries…

Manufacturing   = 47%

Distribution         = 18%

Building Supply = 14%

Automotive         = 9%

Retail                    = 9%

Care                      = 2%



Epicor conducted an online survey among technology decision makers in the regions shown above in April 2022. Participants and decision makers for the purposes of the report will be referred to as customers.

How Does Your Business Compare?

Stages that make up the customer journey to cloud adoption

The research indicates that for many customers, difficulty increased as they progressed along the journey to adopting ERP technology:

Top considerations for customers before purchase...



of customers said they strongly agree that industry knowledge is important and increases their comfort and consideration of an ERP Solution

"By moving to the cloud, We decreased time and expenses in the back-end of our IT department. We can now spend our time more efficiently in front-end activities like designing report, BAQ's, dashboards, and training users. It's like adding a third IT person to work off-hours and weekends, doing constant upgrading to keep us current."

Patrick Winter, IT Manager-Specialty Screw Corporation

Discover What Decision Makers Like You Need

Explore the report’s complete data to see what your peers look for, gauge their experience, and inform your approach to finding a solution that fits your needs.

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